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Originally posted by theForsakenOne

 … I apologise for my writting, english is not my first language. …
… .Now this days the only thing that makes me happy is when I gamble. … At this moment nothing really matters for me.

Good afternoon the ForsakenOne, or FO, my name is Larry and I am a Compulsive Gambler. my last bet was August13, 2009. Welcome to GT, a place that you will not feel forsaken; you are among friends that have shared in all your guilt same, and regrets. As in Gamblers Anonymous where members repeat "I sought my soul, but could not see, I sought my God, but He eluded me, I sought my brothers and sisters, and found all three."; you have found your brothers and sisters.
Each time I read an apology from someone about their English, it make me think of how much they do know, how much they have learned in stepping outside their comfort zone. Weather learning is by requirement or need, being able to communicate in a different language at any level is a remarkable feat. Accomplishing this shows that you have desire and determination for doing things that are difficult; now you need only to channel those energies to your recovery.
It does seem strange that gambling is the only thing that will make us happy, and at the same time is the thing that takes away our joys and all that matters; compulsive gambling is an overpowering pull and strain on our lives. But with the help you find here and through other helping hands, you can be returned to a normal way of thinking and living. The reason that you might not be able to see a way out is that you are standing in the middle of it – You can’t see the forest from the trees (an English idiom and expression). Following the advice and suggestions that you find here will help lead you out of the control gambling now has over you. Keep coming back and participating in the forums and discussion groups. Take actions to change your life.
God’s speed, use your higher Power to strengthen and guide you.Larry"Day Two Is Another Day Behind" – With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s – God, GA, and GT, I will continue to be  gambling free.