I have just woke up. I had a good rest.
I have recharged and restored my energy.
1. All the stinking thinking that was there before the sleep has disappear after my sleep.
I am very grateful.
2. I am very grateful to be alive today.
Every day alive and healthy is a bonus.
If today was my last day, it is not important for me to gamble.
If today was my last day, I will be very focus on today.
I will not worry about yesterday and tomorrow.
3. If today was my last day, I will not consider using my money on gambling
I will be grateful to spend my money on other more meaningful things.
4. I am grateful to complete my first gamble free day this month
Everyday was like my first day in recovery, I need to put in the same effort and work.
5. I am so grateful to Steve Job for his final essay.
I really hope his words of wisdom is helping and touching others in here as much as it has help and touch me.