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Hi Kathryn
I have just read about you getting your hair done on Meg’s thread so I popped over to ask ‘what colour?’ (I have 3 colours at the moment). I have now read Meg’s final paragraph to you about chucking serenity out of the window – I might have to return and edit what I have written to her!
I have just re-read that last paragraph and I wish to establish that I know you did not get your hair done ‘on’ Meg’s thread because that would be pushing cyber space too far but I hope you will accept this grammatical error and read on.
Poor Jode – a dilemma indeed!   I have never been a bridesmaid.   A pause here for you to go ‘ahhhhhhh’………… .  The bride always carries the blame for the bridesmaid’s dresses so I am sure that everybody will just see the person that is Jode and not think that she had a choice in the dress.   With a big smile she will look great. Cinderella was the most beautiful after all.   
I am sure, with you as a friend; she must have a sense of humour.  (Why does that sound rude?)   Perhaps she could carry a placard saying ‘I am only wearing this for a dare’.   Did you say the wedding was on April 1st?
I saw some wedding photos recently where it was difficult to work out which slipped off first – the bride’s dress, her mascara, her shoes or her tiara. I don’t know how she squeezed her medium sized body into a size Zero but she obviously felt the need to escape the restraint as the evening wore on.  She was happy though and she made those who were around her smile – who could ask for anything more?   
Well the rain has stopped so I will depart and do some chores. ‘tis Monday and as always you have brightened my day. As I do the dreaded ironing I will think of Runninggirl cleaning like a mad woman. Every single item I drag onto the ironing board convinces me that I must be mad – everything will be back soon waiting to be ironed again – where is the sense in that?
Loads of Love to you and the best of British to Jode xx
V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx