I liked your comment: “they’re like waves. They come and they go.” I’d bet you’d like to wave them goodbye though!
Here’s a thought – if the “urge” is our brain’s way of signalling that it wants us to gamble – how about training it to do something different. So each time we get the urge we then do a dance – or beat up a pillow – or sing a song -play some music. Do something that connects the “urge” to something else – so as to retrain our synapses.
I’m saying “we” because I realise I don’t get the gambling urge anymore. I’m not sure when it went – but I certainly don’t miss it. I’ve never tried out this idea myself – but I guess it’s worth a go. I’d pick one response and keep doing it so to retrain your brain. Let me know if you try it and how you go on.