- This topic has 62 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by female g.
3 October 2015 at 8:27 pm #31181andy84Participant
I’m a problem gambler and I’m currently at my lowest ebb. I need to quit the habit and I’m determined to begin my recovery blog. Tomorrow will be day 1 of the rest of my life. I have no money left for the rest of the month, due to my gambling and it is a continued recurring theme. Maxed my overdraft again… I have friends who have kicked the habit and I am determined to do it too. The feeling of depression and guilt is overriding and killing my personality. It will continue to, until I stop completely and start rebuilding my life GAMBLE-FREE.
I have registered to this site and need your support and encouragement. Please reply and give your advice because I need it desperately. Feelings of deep depression and anger are killing me and I need a route out. I’m literally so low at the minute. I’ve cancelled every possible betting route, but it is on my mind 24/7 at the moment. I love my football and that is all I bet on. Ironically, the sport that I love, is ruining my life.
Any advice and encouragement would be hugely appreciated.
3 October 2015 at 8:34 pm #31182kinParticipant
Autobiography of an addict in 5 short chapters
Chapter 1
I walk down the street,
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,
I fall in.
I am lost.……I am hopeless,
It take forever to find a way out.Chapter 2
I walk down the same street ,
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk,
I pretend I dun see it,
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place.
But I believe it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.Chapter 3
I walk down the same street ,
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk ,
I see it is there
I still fall in…..it‘s a habit
I know where I am
It is my fault
I get out immediatelyChapter 4
I walk down the same street ,
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk ,
I walk around itChapter 5
I walk down another street.
Where are you now? -
3 October 2015 at 8:40 pm #31183andy84Participant
On the road to recovery/hope /safety? I have lived the experience in your message for far too long. Thank you for putting it in black and white for me.
I hope writing this blog will help motivate me. Need it desperately…
4 October 2015 at 7:05 am #31184female gParticipant
hey friend I too have just returned from another nightmare in the casino. I hope its my rock bottom and that I never return to a casino again. What it has cost me is ridiculous. i could have paid for a house by now I think. Emotionally I hurt inside but restrain myself from showing anyone I love the impact it has on me. I have only myself to blame but I know with the right advice and follow through I can change and so can you. We are the 30 percent of gamblers that keep them in business and we just keep handing over our funds in hope of hitting the mother of all jackpots which just isn’t there for us. Oh sure people win every now again but the majority just put in back in trying to get more the next time. Only the folks who come once in awhile are able to leave with winnings, that’s the other 70 % not us. I am going to stop this insanity once and for all and start living life without gambling. You can too by learning what it is you need to do to prevent yourself from going. This forum is a good place to start but you must do much more to regain control of your life. Seek help councilling, tie up your money, cut up cards and reach out to people able to help you that are close to you. Get them info on what a compulsive gambler is so they know how to help you. Answer the 20 questions and share the info with your loved ones ( if they are capable of helping) try to find replacement activities that you enjoy that aren’t destructive. Keep busy and tie up your time. N one is without value or a complete failure. We got caught up in a destructive habit and like any habit it too can be broken. One day at a time my friend one day a time. Hoping and praying for yours and mine recovery and for all others out there who find themselves suffering from this addiction FG
4 October 2015 at 8:40 am #31185andy84Participant
Day one
Woke up thinking about my financial ruin. My need to sort my life out. Keeping it to myself at the min. My family don’t understand the addiction. This is my councilling.
Got out and ran 7 miles. Got a marathon to train for next April, which will take my time up. Being mad busy in work also helps, but there is always a niggling doubt at the back of my mind, that my next bet is only around the corner.
I have no credit cards and I’m going to ring for a new debit card this week, so that I don’t know the number. I will ask family members to hold the card for me too. Day one of the rest if my life. I do crave a bet, but I’m putting those feelings yo one side.
Thanks for your support.
4 October 2015 at 2:33 pm #31186AnonymousGuest
HI Andy , well done on seeking support.
Where do you gamble . Is it in the bookies or online ?It’s great to get rid of all those cards. It might be an idea to hand your debit card and pin to your relatives unopened. Then ask them to withdraw whatever amounts you need.
The problem with gambling is that the more we gamble the more we want to. Yet when you get a short time gamble free you quickly return to feeling at peace,regardless of debts. You can pay those off over as long as it takes.
You sound very fit so I’m wondering if there is another way you could indulge your love of football..perhaps by joining in local leisure centre groups, or has about starting your own five aside team or something like that?
Can you enjoy football without betting on it? Do you need to let football go for a while?You have seen other friends beat the addiction. Ask them how they did it. Ask them for support.
Sometimes saving for something special is a good way to kick start our brains. The important thing I find is to always treat yourself to something no matter how much you owe. If you don’t have something to show for stopping it is easy to fall back . Maybe the latest football jersey for your team..something you will value.
Urges can drive you crazy…when they are strong it is so hard to resist but if you resist they become less intense.
There is a supplement that worked for me when my brain was at its craziest. It is called NAC and research supports that it can help with gambling urges. However it can’t be taken with lots of other meds, so be careful. Also after a few weeks it makes me quite ill, but it was so worth it for me to break the cycle.
Life will get better. What will amaze you is how quickly it gets better.Keep posting. It’s a hard but very possible addiction to beat. Don’t let this one small part of your life define you. You are a whole person with a compulsion you need to break!,
There are several groups on here and it might be helpful to chat to others . You are not alone. Many have struggled with this compulsion.
You will beat it and have a peaceful, happy life.
4 October 2015 at 4:13 pm #31187andy84Participant
Thanks so much brave68 for the post. I feel like you understand my predicament. My problem gambling is online, as it doesn’t ‘feel’ like real money. In the bookies, I could gamble £10 a weekend and not feel any guilt. The online gambling is my huge problem.
I don’t really want to include family in my problem, as when it was last mentioned, it almost caused world war 3! I just need the control over my life again. I’m still at the stage where I’m watching football and thinking who I fancy to win etc and thinking about bets. Ive just watched my football team on sky and watching the second game now, so taking it game by game is a start.
I work long hours in a professional position, so my time is pretty much taken up and I put 100% effort into my work too. I work with a laptop though and the urge is always there, although now I have NO way of accessing any online betting sites.
I need to save to move out into a new house, but simply don’t have the patience to save and have been simply falling into oblivion, believing a big win would help me on my way. A clear delusion. My eventual plan is to cancel my overdraft, to always be in positive credit.
I don’t want to touch meds, but I know at the same time that I have an extremely difficult road ahead. Compulsion is the correct word. I’m in a dark place at the moment, but know that I can break away from it.
Thanks very much.
5 October 2015 at 10:13 pm #31188andy84Participant
Being busy in work helps. Gambling still on the mind for the rare moments that I have time to think. Home now, another day done…
6 October 2015 at 8:30 am #31189female gParticipant
sounds like your still in control. That’s great but remember thoughts to gamble are only a brain wave away and you must be ready for it. thwart the thoughts before it crushes you and the efforts your making to stay gamble free. lock down your ability to fund and gambling opportunities ok FG
6 October 2015 at 6:19 pm #31190andy84Participant
Thanks so much FG. Gambling has been prominently on my mind today. It has been difficult to quash the thoughts, but I have tons of work to do. Writing this blog is helping me so much. Your replies are my motivation at the moment. Every time that I write a message, I think that it’s another day done with. It’s extremely therapeutic. I can gain control again. I know the real challenge will be when pay day comes around again and retaining my money.
6 October 2015 at 7:36 pm #31191female gParticipant
you can do this Andy. Remember the lowest point and let that me the thing that reminds you not to go. I have given myself a buzz word to repeat as many times needed when my thoughts go to gambling possibilities. FRENZY that is what happens once I start loosing money and because we are cg’s it will happen. I will repeat it a thousand times and shout it out over and over again if I have too. Don’t get your hands on the money that provides for you ok FG
6 October 2015 at 11:29 pm #31192andy84Participant
Thank you FG. I’m still at a really low point. No money until the end of the month, even then I’ll be battling my overdraft again. Day by day, hour by hour at the moment. How busy I am in work helps. Yeah frenzy, palpitations, depression, not wanting to talk to anybody. Just wanting to lie down in a darkened room… Thanks again for your support!
7 October 2015 at 12:21 am #31193kinParticipant
Parable of a Farmer
Each event has no specific beginning or end and may influence future
events for years or even centuries to come.An excellent example of life is found in the parable of the farmer.
“There once was a farmer. One day the farmer’s only horse broke out
of the corral and ran away. The farmer’s neighbours all hearing of the horse running away, came to the farmer’s house to view the corral. As they stood there, the neighbours all said “Oh what bad luck!” The farmer replied ‘maybe.’“About a week later, the horse returned bringing with it a whole herd of wild horses
which the farmer and his son quickly corralled. The neighbours hearing of the
corralling of the horses came to see for themselves. As they stood there looking at the corral filled with horses, the neighbours said “Oh what good luck!” The farmer replied ‘maybe.’“A couple of weeks later, the farmer’s son’s leg was badly broken when he was thrown from a horse he was trying to break. A few days later the broken leg became infected and the son became delirious with fever. The neighbours all hearing of the incident, came to see the son. As they stood there, the neighbours said “oh what bad luck.” The farmer replied ‘maybe.’
“At that same time in the country, there was a war going on between two rival Warlords. The Warlord of the farmer’s village was involved in this war. In need of more soldiers, he sent one of his captains to the village to conscript young men to fight in the war. When the captain came to take the farmer’s son he found a young man with a broken leg who was delirious with fever. Knowing there was no way the son could fight, the captain left him there. A few days later, the son’s fever broke. The neighbours hearing of the son’s not being taken to fight in the war and of his return to good health all came to see him. As they stood there, each one stated
“oh what good luck!” The farmer replied ‘maybe.’Then he revealed the secret of his wisdom.
“It is not for us to know what is good or bad.
It is only for us to be fully engaged in the adventure of living,
how can we know what event is ultimately good or bad?That is the future and we can only know the now
which is never good or bad, only part of the adventure.Who knows?”
7 October 2015 at 4:32 am #31194kinParticipant
7 October 2015 at 10:38 pm #31195andy84Participant
Tough day. Tiring working day that has had me thinking really negatively. I’m simply exhausted at the minute. Had a few bursts of gambling thoughts today. Just feeling really down today. Think a good night of sleep will do me good. Thanks for the replies, I’ve not had a minute to read the parable or watch the video yet, sorry!
8 October 2015 at 9:40 am #31196female gParticipant
what is making you feel down, turn it around and feel up ok. you have not gambled that in itself should make it reason enough to feel up. Remember the frenzy from gambling. don’t let go of the memories that can disappear to quickly an end up leading us to gamble again.FG
8 October 2015 at 11:48 am #31197andy84Participant
I’m clearly agitated today, but all work related stresses. Although, the thought of my debts are adding to my stress. I’m down because I’m working fifteen hour days at the moment completing tedious, but compulsory paperwork tasks that really annoy me. Every facet of my job at the moment is aggravating me. Not gambling is making me feel better, but the thoughts are still there and five days is no huge milestone as yet. It is still very much early days.
Time goes so slow when you are waiting to reach a particular milestone. Two weeks until pay day.
9 October 2015 at 5:08 pm #31198andy84Participant
Had a really difficult day emotionally. Need to keep strong, otherwise it will creep back up to me again. Head is totally switched off and feel really negative today.
9 October 2015 at 11:00 pm #31199AnonymousGuest
Is this six days.. Trust me Andy one day is a ” huge milestone” .. Six is amazing.
It is really hard to stop. If it wasn’t we would not need sites like this , but you have stopped.
To ensure you stay stopped, even when temptation is at it’s strongest , please put things into place straight away before payday.
Often I thought I was “cured” and ready to stay away from gambling forever, when I would suddenly remember I had a card somewhere with a few quid on it, and soon I was back to square one…back in the cycle of compulsive gambling which is so difficult to get out of.
Don’t under estimate your achievement. There are so many of us who took years to get to a day five or six. It might be helpful for you to join some of the groups and talk to others who have this compulsion Andy. Cutting off all access to gambling will make sure things are getting better for you every day. -
10 October 2015 at 5:31 am #31200andy84Participant
Thanks so much sad69. Your comment has given me a whole new outlook in my fight. Each day that passes. Each hour, is a milestone. It is so tough. I have a love for football and I’m still in the mindset of thinking about particular odds and ‘would I have put a particular bet on.’ Pay day will be the ultimate challenge, but hopefully I’ll feel stronger by then.
Ultimately, I feel really low at the moment. Like I’m falling into depression. It’s difficult to keep positive, but I know that I need to keep away from any temptation. This blog has helped me so much this week. Thank you for all of your replies. Keep them coming!
10 October 2015 at 7:44 pm #31201kpatParticipant
Hang in there, you’re doing great. Gambling is a behaviour problem and it really does start in the mind. I had really dark days at first. It took me ten days to even start my thread here. You just need to turn your thoughts to every single positive thing you can at first. Make sure you put some plans in place for when you get paid. Talk it out and keep posting. Each day adds up and when you can look back on your posts they can help you keep from repeating those mistakes.
Think on good things. Things that aren’t money related. Take good physical care of yoursef. Eat and sleep and wash and clean. It helps take the sting out of the early depression. I had some very tearful days in the first few weeks. It is a part of the process.
you are on your way to a happier life! -
10 October 2015 at 8:10 pm #31202andy84Participant
Thanks so much kpat. It is just one thing after another this week. I was meant to be out tonight, a big gang of us going to a gig, but I couldn’t. Mainly due to depression, but also due to the lack of money that I have because of my gambling. It really hurts. I just feel isolated all of the time. Compulsive gambling is a lonely place. Thanks for your comment as always…
11 October 2015 at 9:59 pm #31203andy84Participant
The urge of gambling is getting stronger, but I am fighting it. Watched lots of football today, but no bet. Still feel lethargic and negative, but eight days down and the long road still ahead! Each day feels like a month! Thanks for your support.
12 October 2015 at 12:07 am #31204AnonymousGuest
Fighting urges is so hard Andy, but with time they become less intense and easier to cope with. Can you think of any replacement behaviours you could adapt? Stay strong Andy. You are doing great
12 October 2015 at 11:07 pm #31205andy84Participant
More stresses in work. I’m at a really low ebb. All of my powers are on stopping betting and being able to live the life of a normal human being. I’m at almost the depressed state at the minute. Working fifteen hours a day. Still no bet, get to double figures tomorrow!
13 October 2015 at 1:39 am #31206kinParticipant
Hi Andy,
if this happen to me, it is a big sign I am in danger because they are one of the biggest trigger for me.
I must get more proper rest or sleep and find a healthy alternative to reduce the stress.
Have you seek help from any trained counsellor?
Take care.
Best regards,
13 October 2015 at 8:14 pm #31207andy84Participant
I’m still stressed and so tired, but work is keeping me going. I’ve reached double figures now, a huge milestone for me. Day TEN, wow. Feels like fifty, but ten will do for now. My overriding feeling today, is that I cannot go back to day one. I need to keep this up, otherwise I have wasted ten whole days of effort and courage. How could I do that to myself again?
To get through this, I need to tackle it head on. I never want to feel like this ever again in my life. So when I get paid next week, my number one priority is to retain funds and keep myself busy. I cannot let myself drop back to day one after this time and effort…
Thanks for your support.
14 October 2015 at 3:58 am #31208kpatParticipant
I am proud of you! My journal started at day 10 so everytime I open it I can read what that was like. It was a tough, tough time. Things do get better, and one of things most of us have in common is a lack of patience. I will absolutely promise you that each day will add up. Next week starts with the next minute. And minute by minute, day by day you will see your finances turn around. Difficult as it is to stop gambling, it is much harder to live with shame and regret. Hang on to your money on payday. Make a plan now!
Keep posting. I’m rooting for you! -
14 October 2015 at 7:58 am #31209female gParticipant
it will be 2 weeks this friday and doing well. Wenesday now and I know I can make it because I believe in me. Believe in YOU, Andy and don’t let anything get in the way of that ok. We are worth fighting for and getting on with normal life is worth the work. Tie up those funds coming your way. Bad habits are hard to break and good habits hard to establish but if we concentrate on the good habits as much as we did on the bad imagine what can be accomplished. Your doing great and can make it. Give yourself a pat on the back and give depression a kick out of your life ok FG
14 October 2015 at 8:10 am #31210andy84Participant
Thanks so much FG. All of my efforts are going into keeping positive today and knowing that in less than a week, my finances will not be solved, but looking much brighter. That allows me to become happier knowing that with each day passing, I am establishing positive habits and living a gamble free life. Thanks so much for your support!
14 October 2015 at 8:13 am #31211andy84Participant
Thanks so much kpat. I am focusing on positives today. Need to keep my gamble free life going. Every Saturday a week will pass and I’ll be closer to sorting my finances ad my life out. I have a plan. I need to book my hostel for Paris next April for hwne I run the marathon. That is my goal. Also significantly reducing my overdraft with my bank. They are two jobs that I will be doing immediately next week when I get paid.
Thanks again for your support, it is invaluable!
14 October 2015 at 5:35 pm #31212andy84Participant
Wow. Stress levels are sky high and I’m currently feeling emotionally tired too. I’ve not had much patience today at all; but most importantly, I’ve not put any bets on. Day eleven now. Day by day, my recovery is accumulating. Just over a week until pay day…
Thanks for your support.
14 October 2015 at 6:01 pm #31213veraParticipant
White knuckling can be very stressful, Andy.
Try to let each hour pass; let the emotions pass too. Everything passes. Nothing lasts forever.
Set up a Plan for payday.
Don’t allow yourself access to your salary while you are still holding your breath
The outcome will end in tears.
Take a fool’s advice and do not handle money now.
I have lost every salary that I earned plus every cent I would borrow on the strength of it.
Gambling does that to us. Deceives us into believing we can “go and have some fun!”. That’s false , Andy. Once we cross that CG line, there is no going back.
Going back to prove I might be right has lead to my downfall.
Over and out -
14 October 2015 at 6:07 pm #31214andy84Participant
Superb advice. Thank you V. I wish you well in recovery too!
15 October 2015 at 6:02 am #31215andy84Participant
Woke up early this morning. Ready for another day of gamble free time. So tired and stressed out. Need the weekend, badly!
15 October 2015 at 6:52 am #31216hopeful4Participant
Thank you for giving me the encouragement to take this journey one day at a time . Day 1 for me. I look foward to seeing more about your journey.
15 October 2015 at 8:13 am #31217andy84Participant
Wow. Thank you so much. To think that I’m inspiring others to take the same journey will really help my own recovery and boost my motivation. Good luck, it is really difficult, but we’ll get there! Take care and keep me updated!
15 October 2015 at 8:02 pm #31218andy84Participant
Another day over. No bet. I’m still not right. I’m emotionally and physically exhausted, but another day done with. Roll on the two week mark on Saturday!
16 October 2015 at 10:16 am #31219female gParticipant
2 weeks for me Friday. We are in this together and I too am exhausted . Not emotionally just physically. Looking forward to a much needed relaxing weekend . Stay strong and stay focused ok FG . 2 weeks hurray!!
16 October 2015 at 9:55 pm #31220andy84Participant
Had good news in work today. Much needed! I’m more determined than ever. Pass this two week mark tomorrow and keep fighting!
CONGRATULATIONS FG! We will do this!
17 October 2015 at 2:46 am #31221JessicaLPParticipant
Congrats! I am on day 12 since I have been to the casino and I hope I can stay away… I need to.. Keep on posting here because we can motivate each other to stay on track. All these tiring days at work etc… will pay off somehow down the line, whether its paying off debts or just the feeling of being okay with not gambling.
Keep it up Andy! Best wishes
17 October 2015 at 7:37 am #31222andy84Participant
Thanks very much Jessica and well done on your twelve days! Writing this blog has helped me so much, knowing that I’m ‘not the only one’. We’ll get there, keep up the good work!
17 October 2015 at 7:39 am #31223andy84Participant
The 2 week milestone hit. Today will be really tough because Premier League football is back after the International break last weekend. I need to stay out of the bookies today and focus my thoughts on a Reds victory!
17 October 2015 at 10:30 am #31224female gParticipant
well done 2 weeks in. There is a number of us clean about the same time. We are getting somewhere now so keep it up and I will too. Don’t let the bookies win your money just enjoy your team win the game if its to hard to do that you may have to consider another form of entertainment. It can catch you off guard when your caught up in the FRENZY of it.
Look for what triggers your urges and fend them off right from the first thought ok. Try finding a suitable word that reminds you of the destruction gambling has on us and repeat it over and over again. Scream it out loud and it will help Believe me its working for me. When I think of the word Frenzy it takes me back to the lack of control that takes place once I am in a casino and it makes me realize what gambling has done to ruin my great life. Fg -
17 October 2015 at 3:49 pm #31225andy84Participant
Just sat in the pub having a few beers for the first time in five weeks. No money. Really emotional and the guilt has hit home. Need to change my life and style for the better. Thanks for the support.
17 October 2015 at 3:49 pm #31226andy84Participant
Just sat in the pub having a few beers for the first time in five weeks. No money. Really emotional and the guilt has hit home. Need to change my life and style for the better. Thanks for the support.
17 October 2015 at 7:30 pm #31227veraParticipant
Every CG needs to change his/her lifestyle, Andy.
Not just you.
Change is painful but it IS possible!
Small changes are all that you need to make for now.
One at a time.
One day at a time.
Be KIND to yourself.
We tend to punish ourselves a lot in the aftermath of gambling.
What’s done is done.
Try walking. It’s very therapeutic. -
18 October 2015 at 11:21 am #31228andy84Participant
Sorry Vera, I didn’t mean to sound egotistical and self centred. It’s an emotional time for me at the moment. I’m being strong. Change is difficult. The guilt is overriding and overpowering at times. Coping mechanisms are tough.
I’m feeling tired and hungover at the moment. When I am at my most vulnerable, but I’m trying my best to keep strong.
Thank you for the support.
19 October 2015 at 6:06 pm #31229andy84Participant
Another day done with. No betting cravings so far today. I did have yesterday in my tired and lethargic state, but I’m now past the big TWO WEEK period and hope that these intense cravings will slowly begin to subside.
Thanks as always for your support!
20 October 2015 at 6:48 pm #31230andy84Participant
Another day over (nearly!) This can be done and I can overcome this problem. Pay day is merely two days, 18 hours away. This is going to be the biggest challenge of my life. Holding the funds will be the key to my future. I could not deal with more heartache and another month of wishing for payday to arrive! After seventeen days too, going back to day ONE, would be horrendous!
21 October 2015 at 8:31 am #31231female gParticipant
you must be sure you have a back up plan for the paycheck to just advert a dangerous situation for those of us in early recovery. I am doing the same. There is no chance of going when there is no money to be had.
REmembering the impact of gambling is a good focus. FG -
21 October 2015 at 4:46 pm #31232andy84Participant
Thanks for the advice FG. I have plans. I am immediately going to significantly reduce my overdraft and have things to pay off that I am looking forward to.
The impact of betting is forever on my mind. Never want to feel like that again…
21 October 2015 at 6:11 pm #31233female gParticipant
i like the idea of a note in your wallet to remind you at all times to remember the damage gambling causes. Technology means setting alarms on your smart phone to remind you every day to remember as well . Good idea ? FG
21 October 2015 at 11:32 pm #31234andy84Participant
Another day over. Minor cravings today. Midweek football really plays on my brain. Work is still mad busy, but week off starts from Friday. Gonna get out running and do some work duties to bide my time. I have a note in the wallet FG and this blog is my daily counselling to keep myself in check.
Thanks for your support!
22 October 2015 at 10:25 am #31235andy84Participant
Pay day! Paid for my Paris hostel and PSG tickets! Now to retain the money. I have real urges to gamble that I am going to resist for my future!
22 October 2015 at 4:33 pm #31236andy84Participant
I have absolutely raging cravings that are unbearable at the moment, but I won’t bet. Going the game tonight after a long day at work. So tired, but the will power continues…
22 October 2015 at 4:37 pm #31237JessicaLPParticipant
Stay strong Andy! I have those days as well and I look back and say … I got through it, somehow some way. All that matters is that you get through it. if you can get through the bad cravings for almost 3 weeks you can do it today! Congrats on 19 days.
22 October 2015 at 4:57 pm #31238andy84Participant
I’ve halved my overdraft too, which I’m really pleased about. These urges are just so strong…
22 October 2015 at 7:32 pm #31239overboardParticipant
liked it, will tell it again and again
22 October 2015 at 8:03 pm #31240kinParticipant
Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that is responsible for: mood, movement, higher thought processes and the sense of well being.
A lot of the side effects with gambling addiction withdrawal are due to these low levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters that are released when the addiction stops.
The worse the addiction, the more intense the withdrawal symptoms. Gambling addiction withdrawal is also due to membranes in the brain being destabilized.
This means that the ongoing addiction has altered the electrical and chemical balance of the brain and that it does not function normally. This brain destabilization may take months to year to correct.
24 October 2015 at 6:47 am #31241female gParticipant
Sorry buddy I wanted to post but my computer was down. I managed to figure out how to get it back up with the help from a You tube video and here I am.
I wanted to ask you to try some visualization while your brain is wrestling with you and the dopomine is raging for a fix. Try placing some of the horific images that remind you of the damage gambling leaves us with. Go back to those images every time you feel the urges and repeat words of meaning for you. Any chance you can reach out to a support person at this time.
I recommend avoiding things that are associated with gambling that can bring on these urges easily at least until you are certain you have this addiction under real control.FG -
25 October 2015 at 4:05 am #31242female gParticipant
you ok Andy ? I hope you are able to withstand the strong urges your having. Either way talk about what’s happening ok FG
2 November 2015 at 9:23 am #31243female gParticipant
Come back Andy and get back on track ok FG
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