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    • #2854

      Until the GT Team can fix the glitch that is “aging” our current posts, you can append your response by clicking on the purple “Reply” button at the bottom of (and WITHIN) the last ‘post box’ on the thread instead of using the “Add New Comment” boxes.

      I tested this a couple of times and each time I used “Add New Comment” to post on my thread, my comments showed up stuck in between two posts on 5/03/2013. When I clicked on the purple “Reply” button within the last ‘post box’ on my thread, it showed up in the correct chronology (at the end of the thread where it belonged).

      I personally do not want to start a new thread, and I suspect there are others who feel the same, so I hope this will work for all of us until they get this glitch fixed.

      I admit I was very frustrated at first with everything, but I am becoming more familiar with it, and beginning to see the potential for some really cool things our new site. I know the GT Team has worked very hard on this and I appreciate them very much for it.

      However, I definitely intend to utilize the “Feedback and Suggestions” forum (down below this forum) ALOT during this bumpy transition – and I hope everyone else will too!

      Adele 🙂

    • #2855

      Dear Adele

      What can I say? Your advice is invaluable and everything you have written has been noted.

      I have one further observation and that is that asterisks are often bleeping out words that do not warrant being bleeped out. Until this can be sorted I suggest putting a space in the word. Anything with the letters l i e following each other are being bleeped so words like bel ieve and famil ies are being bleeped.

      I too believe this site will be terrific once some teething problems are sorted.

      Thanks again Adele


    • #2856
      nomore 56

      I’m just testing what will happen when I try to post. I am never required anymore to sign in and can’t find the right icon on the site either when it first comes up. So I thought I just try this now.

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