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Day 13
No gambling. Feeling severely anxious. Got declined for a job application. At least they took the time to answer. I hope I won’t recieve one decline after another. My tutoring job is also in turmoil. All the kids I tutor have the flu or cancelling their lessons for one reason or a another. This is the greatest test I have been through my entire life: no steady job, no savings, both my parents deceased, huge inflation and depression. I have been bullied on my previous workplace, I survived 17 years of it. I couldn’t endure it another day longer so I quit. Fast forwards two months, my parents both died. I now beat myself up for leaving my job. It’s easy to look at the situation from today’s stand point, but at the time I had an ill mother to take care of, an abusive father. I was alone in all of it. I just couldn’t handle any of it anymore. And I gambled for escape, no winnings to lift me up. I crashed and burned out.