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Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate the time you have taken to read and reply.
I’ve had a read through some other threads, it;s such a relief to know that others share the same struggles and feelings.
When I woke up this morning I initially felt positive and then within minutes that churning feeling in my stomach hit. I realised I needed to add up the damage of the past week and make a financial plan for the month. Its going to be tight b ut I’m actually looking forward to the challenge of being as frugal as possible. I kind of think if I can get through the next month, I can do anything, right?
I decided to go on a long walk to a shop to get milk and being out in the fresh air has helped. I’ve since cleaned the house from top to bottom and I’m now going to distract myself by cracking on with some studying. I’m in year 2 of 6 of an Open University History degree.
I’ve had thoughts of 'just putting a tenner into an online account to recover some losses’ but my rational mind knows this is rubbish and it won’t just be a tenner. I’m on a mission to give my rational mind lots of strength to overpower the irrational thinking. so today’s mantra is 'irrational mind, shut the chuff up’ .
Right, off to my essay for now.