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Hello I identify with this post so much from all to nothing in one night. Plus I am short of money as it is and as it always is we are the battlers making the rich richer, good luck to you and your family I am about to start a family and I know how gamble free it really needs to be so this dowsnt happen but it was only monday that I gambled my life away once again from a rich $150 to a balance in the negative of over $800. How rude but I was directed here by my old gambling website so hopefully something good comes out of it, I gambled and drank from a young age and was told by a wiser teacher that gambling and alcohol runined his familys life so here I am trying to start a family alcohol and gamble free.

ZGood luck to me when I know the cards are stacked against me I am a battler and will battle right on through this to the other side where prosperity and a new life begins.

Thanks to all the supporters out there and generally anyone who gives a shit.
