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About time you had some good news. Now you’ve got a plan, and something to aim for.

Your sponsor sounds a good bloke, and I can see how its beneficial to you.

The reason I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for me. For years I attended GA and there was no sponsor programmes at the group I attended, I visited that group again in about 2012 on a visit home and they still didn’t.

However I suppose that when my mate was here I was his “sponsor”

I would always worry that one day they might gamble, not just this one with the powerlessness thing, any body. We should learn to always say no, if we ever consider gambling

Sadly some will still get tempted, and need to search harder for recovery, it dosnt matter as you know 1 year 5 year 25 years, it is within us for always. At least thats what I think. At least you have GT as well, which is a big bonus.

I know its a must for me to be able to talk.

And a nice lunch.

I’m pleased for you.