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    • #9185

      Hi all I’m new hear and just thaught would give it a go as realy had enough now and just want change for me but mainly my girlfriend who doesn’t deserve any off this,
      I’m 25 and been gambling for about 3-4 years and as u all know starts off just £10 a week maby till u hit a £70 win then moves up to bigger and bigger, I get payed monthly and am in debt and all month look forward to payday to pay my bills and people I owe, but payday comes some direct debits come out I have plans to treat my girl n buy stuff then end up in bookies.. I walk out with £0 and its only payday and still have bills to pay and questions to answer. I have not many friends due to no money or confidence and girlfriend h8s this life wants to move in together but can’t trust me with money! (We have split due to this a few times) Braught a new 42″ tv and smashed it 3days later with rage when lost.
      Need to stop and want to stop or this will kill me for sureNeeds change

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