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    • #14594

      I am new to this site and have attended a couple of grp therapy sessions which are really helpful.  I am CG  have been playing slots for about 4 or 5 years.  Started innocently enough with going to bingo with my mom and daughters and graduated to casinos and slots over time.  A couple of good wins and I thought I had found quite a bonanza.  Then I slowly upped the bets and used up my savings a little at a time  refinanced to give myself some cash etc etc until now I am overdrafted with the bank fees adding to the crises, facing bankruptcy and feel like I have truly hit the bottom.  I want to go to GA but have to wait until have money for gas  my next paycheck is used up paying back the overdrafts and fees
      I am hoping to retire in the next few months and want to be solidly in recovery.  Right now I have not gambled in 5 days I hate the thought of going to the casino right now as I am in so much emotional pain and shame but I am also very afraid if I had a couple hundred bucks that the sneaky little thought I could recoup would start on me.  I am admitting I am powerless over this compulsion and trying to just take it a day at a time.  My family and close friends know my situation and are supportive.  My 15 year close male friend is also a gambler and although supportive, does not want to quit gambling so it is creating strain and fear in me that I will let myself use his choice to allow myself to go back to casino.
      This forum is saving my life right now by being able to connect with others like meif you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right

    • #14595

      Thanks Richie and everyone.  I am so thankful for the support and ideas to get me through.  I have opened a new thread and am going to close this one, as I am learning how this forum thing works.

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