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Resources and links for problem gambling recovery

Resources and links for problem gambling recovery


Evalúa cómo juegas

Test de autoevaluación que te ayudará a reflexionar acerca de tus hábitos de juego.
nThis one is a test so the person can reflect on how he/she gambles. Similar to the 20 questions , just in Spanish.

Autoexclusión online en España – online gambling exclusionin Spain

La inscripción en un registro de prohibidos impide el acceso del inscrito a aquellos juegos respecto de los que la Administración Pública competente haya determinado la necesidad de realizar la identificación previa del jugador con el fin de hacer efectivo el derecho de los ciudadanos a que les sea prohibida la participación en las actividades de juego.
nEn el caso de que la inscripción se realice en el Registro de Interdicciones de la DGOJ, la prohibición afectará al juego online y, en la medida de que sus normas regulatorias así lo establezcan, a los juegos de carácter reservado (loterías) que se desarrollan de forma presencial
nYou can self exclude from online gambling in Spain through this website


Programmet är till för dig som är 18 år eller äldre, har problem med överdrivet spelande och vill förändra din situation. Självhjälpsprogrammet innehåller både skriftliga frågor och övningar som hör samman med den del du jobbar i och det är därför viktigt att du både i tal och skrift behärskar det svenska språket någorlunda. Om du har ett pågående alkohol- eller drogmissbruk eller en allvarlig psykisk problematik bör du först söka annan hjälp för det.
nThe treatment offered by the Spelinstitutet is based on research and many years of experience. Several studies have been carried out and the treatment is evaluated continuously. Our internet treatment has shown good results when it comes to solving gambling problems. Parallel problems such as depressed mood have also improved while quality of life is increasing.

Smart Recovery Canada

SMART is a free self-help program for recovery from addictive behavior. Groups are led by a lay-coordinator. Most groups also have a volunteer advisor who is a mental health professional. Our purpose is to support individuals who have chosen to abstain, or are considering abstinence from any type of addictive behavior, (substances or activities), by teaching how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions; and to work towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life.

Smart Recovery Australia

SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) Recovery is a free group program assisting any problematic behaviours, including addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping, Internet and others.
nGuided by trained peers and professionals, participants come to help themselves and help each other using a variety of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and motivational tools and techniques.