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Thanks Don for comment always nice to hear from ya. And mutley im so glad to read your posts I love seeing people just let er fly like that. Writing out all those thoughts and feelings are the best way to get started with the recovery process. If your new here you actually start your own thread. We each have are own to act as a journal for ourselves so itll be good for you to start one to monitor your own progress and so people can also comment and help give you support to. If you haven’t already done so self exclusion is going to be a major part of your first step to controlling the need to go gamble. Meaning banning yourself from any casinos and online ones to. There is apps that block sites on your phone called gamban and there’s a few others you can search for its worth the few bucks. Next thing is to get support I went to a gambling/ trauma counselor and its saved my life. There’s also GA meetings which really help and if needed rehabilitation which I no nobody ever wants to do but sometimes it’s nessicary to be removed from one’s general life and enviroment to get the proper help and it eliminates everyday stresses to focus on recovery only for awhile.

As for myself I’ve thrown myself back into my meetings for all different areas of my recovery. Started a coda meeting last night so I’m feeling pretty postive right now.