- Acest subiect are 0 răspunsuri, o opinie și a fost actualizat ultima dată acum 10 ani, 10 luni de .
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Dear Members
Due to the members going into the incorrect groups, e.g. CG’s into F&F groups and F&F into CG Groups, an alteration has been made to the site
Within your profile setting is an option called “user type” this option determines the group access ability.
If you find you can’t enter any group (groups will be in grey) it’s because you haven’t altered your settings. Please go to your account profile and select
Once you’ve altered your settings to your user type then you’re have access to your relevant groups (whilst your there please fill in and the rest of your profile should anything be missing 🙂
A Gambler can access
Gambler Groups
Community Groups
Topic Groups
All Unmoderated Groups
Friends and Family can access
Friends & Family Groups
Community Groups
Topic Groups
All Unmoderated Groups
Kind Regards