I feel like one thing that doesn’t get discussed alot is that every addict I’ve ever known has distinct personality changes. The Dr.jeckel Mr hyde syndrome. It doesn’t just change once you stop your addiction either alot of times it actually gets worse. There is a term used called dry drunk syndrome which can be applied to any type of addict. It’s really hard to watch it occurring with others the worse is when it happens to yourself. Because ive been in a dry drunk state before I can speak on it. When I started gambling thats when I became this other demon version of myself. I had 10 years clean and sober when I switched into this other person. It’s scary and it’s from not dealing with deep rooted psychological and emotional distress. Alot of people white knuckle recovery. And that’s when the addict person is the most dangerous. The superiority,controlling, aggression, anger,entitlement, self centeredness is at its highest at these times. Its usually like watching an adolescent try to deal with life. People around you will tell you that your harming them but you won’t listen because your stuck in this F everyone mindset. It’s terrifying to be that person because you think your fine when your really out of your mind and should be in a looney bin. I’ve been on both sides of the equation my whole life. I’ve been abused by dry drunks but also I’ve been one myself. The only thing I’ve ever seen actually keep people from switching between the demon and the good side of themselves is doing extremely thorough emotional work on themselves. Usually what I’ve seen help the most is therapy and 12 stepwork combined. Learning emotional regulation is so important to having a healthy recovery.