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Good day and season greetings. I feel your pain brother. I have been there too many times. Its pain like misery for company. No more after 17 days i am GF. I have a victory in my life now. I took back my self worth and starting rewiring my mind daily. Each moment i gonna achieve my goals and day to day tasks. I am happy where i am at moving forward. There is a man name Santos Rolon Jr. From stockholme California he has posted over 1000 videos on gambling addictions. This afternoon at your 4pm i will be featured on his live broadcast on youtube. You can set youself a challenge today to watch those videos and start reprogramming your mind. You are gonna make that break through brother. I have been on and off gambling only roulette machines found in bars pubs casinos etc. Over and over i would kick myself chasing after loses hoping to win it all back. Then on friday 6th dec 2019 it hit me;» WHY DO SOMETHING OVER AND OVER EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT?!» so here i am now 17 days moving forwards refocusing my thoughts actions thinking reframing reshifting this mind into something new looking forward for each moment to bring in a new light and a sense of victory with a positive mind set. My brother you need someone whom you trust with your finances. You ought to have just enough money on you for you to get by one day at a time. The person you trust with your finances should have all your bank cards until you mindset is rewired to self worth. My wife had been doing that since she found out abt the gambling habits. So here i am 16 days GF. Thank you for sharing and keep on posting my brother. You can read other people struggles and how they have overcome that habit on this website. You gonna overcome this brother believ dat! I am rooting for you. I applaud you for excluded yourself from casinos. Continue posting on your progress bro.