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Hi My name is Sam.
I used to kid myself that the money I was spending didnt affect my lifestyle so it was alright.
But recently I have come to realise that at 32yrs old some of my life plans have been on hold.
For instance I am not married and have no children I also have no mortgage.
Each of the above I once wanted and I have earnt enough money in my life to do all 3.
Quitting gambling for me for financial reasons only, wouldnt have been enough.
But I know that I am a better person when I dont gamble, more confident, have more energy/patience and most of all more focused!
And so to the next chapter
Plan a gamcare meeting, visit gamblers anon and let my girlfriend handle the monies for the time being. (Hey also post on here)
lets end on a positive though — my week also is now filled with many exciting things — aikido, golf, football, running, snooker, darts.
Each of these I also once enjoyed more than the lonely, indenpendant world of compulsive gambling.