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Hi Chook
Well, its not often i find you way back in page 3!? Whats with that? Thought i should drag you back to the top (as you have so often done for me. x)
How’s your week been? and how’s your head (ie- where’s it at?). We are so used to you sharing your thoughts with us, your highs and lows, that your silence makes me wonder.
It could be you’re back at work and just busy…..hmmmm. maybe. I’m guessing that it must also be a strange head-space at the moment with your oldest about to start uni, and with that, becoming SO independant – while at the same time your baby starts school, and takes those first real steps towards his own little indepandance!
Wow, thats quite alot for a mum to get her head round (well, it would be for ME!). I hope you are also taking the time to step back and admire these wonderful young people you created – and give yourself a damn good pat on the back. Any steps towards independance that our kids take is a credit to us all, as parents, that we are strong enough and trusting enough to ‘let go’ of them!
Have you and jodes started your new regime? (by the way when does she have to wear "that dress"?). I very half-heartedly started some weight training last week LOL. I’m really gonna have to push myself to do it, coz i’m determined to be able to decent press-ups by april. (dont laugh but i dont think i’ve ever actually managed a REAL press-up in my life!). Since being separated i have truly realised what i’m lacking…………muscles!! I nearly break my back every time i have to chop wood, dig the garden or open a really stuck jar!haha. Some people are just born with some degree of upper body strength, and, well…some of us are just puny! Figure i need to find me a strong man, or build me some decent bi-ceps! LOL LOL. (i reckon the bi-ceps might be less hassle so i’ll work on that- but i’ll keep you posted!)
We had a beautiful bright full moon at the weekend, and as always i thought of you! I hope the oldies werent going too ‘loony’.
Just wanted you to know i’m thinking of ya.
Love and light always
Meg xxxxxxxxxx "We are each of us angels with only one wing…  we can only fly by embracing each other"