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1st iteration

Please note this carefully . i was on this support page Nov 2017 and going through all the chats in seeking help .

at that time i lost 20 K savings and ( 10 K loan amount which i took for my wedding ) – total 30 K
i was upset and felt terrified . was able to stay away from bet for 7 months at this point life is on track and getting better .

a fun trip to casino and 200 $ loss sucked me in to this agin and i was in this trance for another 8 months ( lost 20 K $ again )

very imp – i was devastated again and self excluded myself from PA state and started paying monthly payments for all the loans ( 20 K 2nd iteration and 10 K bal from first iteration ) i was making payments life is on track for 5 months at this point i got some extra tax money out of the blew .

before i know i started my 3rd iteration lost all 5 k in on e visit and then something got in to my head and applied for another 30 K loan for 36 % apr before i even took a min and think ) gave all the 30 K in just 4 visits .

at this point i am 80 K down ( 50 K loans ) . what i did , how i did , why did i do ? i have no answers except chasing my losses . all this in the span of 3 years .

i am writing this only to help you undershorts how my life changed in 4 days after staying clean for some time .