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(((Liz))) I know just how much you love your grandson, but I am wondering if you didn’t take him as much if his parents would step up to the plate more when it comes to his care. I hope I don’t hurt your feelings by saying that. I love my granddaughters to the moon too, but there is only so long I can entertain them, without it feeling like it’s too much for me. We raised our own children and we aren’t spring chickens anymore. I was sleeping nicely but my sleep was interrupted by a phone call from the cleaning girl at the renters’ house asking me a question at about 6:30 am. I did go back to sleep after a while but didn’t get up till about 10:00. I’m going to go for groceries this afternoon, and that will be my day. Soon enough I’ll be getting up to go to work 5 days a week. Carole