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Hey Izzi thanks for sharing your story you have clearly been through a lot throughout your life, yet, you are clearly determined to be courageous and not let this defeat you!
As for me? I have found the last 2 weeks incredibly hard to manage, I just found out a few days ago that I wont be getting a bonus in march or a payrise as I have been marked inconsistent which i means i fell slightly below the objectives i have been set for myself! This makes me sad because I could have really done with the 2grand towards my debts and the negative appraisal effects my prospects for moving on within the company for a year. I just feel I am trapped due to the debt I have created , stuck in job which i dont enjoy, which i find boring and to which i feel undervalued. I have just constantly been thinking of how the time is going to drag to pay off my debt and how i am putting my life on hold for it whilst i am just getting older and older. In reality i just want a job i enjoy, minimal debt and to settle down and find a partner. I have just come back from a xmas weekend in Scotland with my mum and my brother and thinking about it all effected my enjoyment. I keep worrying about how i would manage if i lost my job, how would i pay my loan and mortgage so ive made a decision. My loan is currently 300 a month i was initially gonna put 1k down each month now i am gonna put the minimum 300 down and save the rest. That way if i hit the target figure , saving 15k by march 2017 ill pay it all off but alternatively if i was to lose my job 6months/10months down the line i would have at least 5k to last me a few months in between jobs. Been so tough though, i mean going into shops and not spoiling myself having to say no is hard. I met up with 2 old friends today who live in Scotland which is 5 hours from me and i thoroughly enjoyed there company, initially i was trying to find a way of not seeing them because i felt so low but im glad I saw them.
All being well i’m changing my phone in the next few days and getting gamblock for Android.