- Bu konu 0 yanıt içerir, 1 izleyen vardır ve en son 13 yıl 3 ay önce tarafından güncellenmiştir.
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Hi, im a 30 year old male, ive been a gambler on and off for 12 years now. I have now become a compulsive gambler who CANNOT budget or have money on me as i gamble it all. I recently lost my partner, got arrestedfor theft from work, lost my home and am currently suspended from work. im very anxious and stressed all the time and each week i vow not to gamble again and make all the usual promises to people but guess what, i go and do it all over again. im so scared of going to prison and scared that my life will always involve the dreaded G! I have no savings and no prospects and its all down to my illness!!
Please help me,,