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  • Bu konu 5 yanıt içerir, 5 izleyen vardır ve en son 13 yıl 8 ay önce pp tarafından güncellenmiştir.
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    • #14109

      I think of Levi often and am hoping that he is getting the help he so desperately needs. Carole

    • #14110

      Thank you Carole.  For thinking of me. It means a lot.  Strangely something made me log in to this site today  – something I have not done in ages – and went straight to the forum and saw your message. So I thank you.
      A small update is that I am doing well.
      I am now 10 weeks into my new job and its all going well. The people there are kind and funny. I work 45 hours a week so my spare time is now valuable as well – spending it wisely, cheaply and relaxingly.

        I am slowly recovering financially – setting £700 aside every month to my gambling debt repayments, and now £2000 has been paid back since I started work. Which feels great to beable to say.
      I have been gamble free – apart from the very occasional OCCASIONAL slip where I’ve spent £10-£20 on a bingo game. Stark contrast to my days of spending £1000 on a single arcade or game, multiple ***** in a night.

      I’m starting to feel like I have more control over my life again now and that things are heading back on track. I am so protective of my money now I know how it feels again to have to work very hard for the small pay.
      I have some lovely plans in the upcoming future, a weeks holiday in June (not going away, but a week off at home to relax, take stock, etc).   And some lovely weather to boot.
      A more positive and recovered person is emerging from the wreckage and I hope things continue to get better. I feel I am working hard and seeing the benefits slowly but surely. And thats the way it should be.
      Thanks again. Levi.
      The value of money has returned to my conciousness. I am careful with every penny and I am working far too hard to want to risk just throwing it away.—– Levi

    • #14111

      What a breath of fresh air to read thet positive story Levi!
      I always knew you could turn your life around and you have!
      Well done!

    • #14112

      (((Levi))) Great to read your post so glad things are getting better for you.Take care xxlifes to short

    • #14113

      Hi Levi! Thank you, thank you for our post! I am so relieved that you are doign sooooooooo well. I can scarcely believe all the positive changes you have made in your life. And your job worked out and you’re pretty much gamble free, and paying back debt. I always worried about you Levi as you seemed to be in the pits of **** emotionally. I thank God you are recovering. Carole

    • #14114

      Hey Levi
      So glad to hear you are ok.. yippeeeee. well done my long lost twinnie!!

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