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Originally posted by thegambler
… i need help to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …

Good evening Dr G, my name is Larry and I am a Compulsive Gambler, my last bet was August 13, 2009.  Welcome to GT, it is a place you can find help; you will also find the friendship of others that have experienced all the things that you have and have felt all the same hurt and guilt –  you are not alone in your trouble. You may feel a bit lost in having to use English, but the pain and guilt caused by compulsive gambling is a Universal Language in it’s self; we all understand it.
There is not much you can do about your past losses, but you can put an end to any further losses; it is not an easy task but it can be done — you need to not gamble for anything. Not to try to get the money to pay the rent, not to get the money to get your things out of hock, not to give yourself a way to escape your situation — Do Not Gamble For Anything, you know that it will not work, you will only get yourself into deeper and deeper trouble.
There are some agencies in the UK that might be able to help you set up a plan to pay off some debts, but, getting money from others to bail you out will only cause more trouble. Connect to the Help Line or email the GT office and ask for the name of the agencies that may be able to give you advice on handling your finances.  You may also find some of this information in your own language, ask if any help is available of those pages. 
Best wishes on your upcoming treatment at Gordon House, put all that you can into this program and it will benefit you, it will help you become freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee; a recovery program will work if you let it, it wont if you don’t.
God;s speed, use your Higher Power to guide nd strength you.Larry"Day Two Is Another Day Behind" – With the help of a Higher Power, My 3G’s – God, GA, and GT, I will continue to be  gambling free.