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Hello brother
I am happy to meet you. I am Sean. I would encourage you to stay on this road to recovery you made your first bold step in ths right direction being on this website on this platform to help not only yourself but others to recovery. I am on my third day free frm gambling. I lost my family becuz of wife recently broke it off with me. Anyways enof with my self pity i say this to point out everyone is here for one goal and that is to be free from it all. Be normal again as you say. Yes i was real normal back before i made that first bet. I was active doing courses studying doing my degree saving money investing in money market growth and income funds i had it going. Got married have a son he is 7 nw and things was going good. Then it all came crashing when i made that first bet won that first bet the thrill of winning. Wow i felt good at that time. Now we move forward onward to win this battle to take back control over the mess we made we shall stand stromg and be grateful to those who stood with us in the fight. Thank you brother for staying strong. Be positive. Look forward to your progress.