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hey Bettie, Please forgive me but you confuse me. I feel you are so positive and helpful smart and confident in your advice but when i read your posts its quite different when you speak of yourself.  This is what needs to be different and i think acceptance is one way to go.  Don’t pile up the things you would like to see changed because before you know it that mountain will never be climbed.  Just look at one thing at a time you would like to improve on and do it until you really feel as though you have fixed it and then move on. Who knows Bettie once you work on those things you want to change you will attract the right people that want to be apart of your life and won’t ever leave you again. you have so much more to offer than you know yourself and I feel it when ever your involved in conversation or in responding to others posts.  I just think your great even with your flaws.  After all aren’t we all flawed and in need of some personal work at all times G