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Hi Vera,

It was a tiredness and frustration combo

I was doing well at work but I am a minority in this industry in my own country.I was the only local in a team of 7 staff in the department in my company. I did not want to name which country these people are from in here. These people come to rob the local and are evil, but I have to love them to progress in my recovery, I will be disappointed if I expect them to return kindness with  kindess.

Tthey like to gang up on the local.  I have fallen victim to the lies and character assassination of this group of these foreigner a few times in the past in other companies, They will do or say whatever it take to keep their job. A new manager join our company a week after me, he is another unreasonable slave master and using me to do his work. The local manager strike fear in me because he use these foreigner and gets his power from them. He married a lady from the country.

God was good but I still choose something very predictable like a sporting event and alcohol to numb and manage my uneasy feeling.

I was so wrong. i could have cause an irreversible damage.

I punted on a sporting event and had one bottle of beer,