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Nearly one month is such a great achievement. ESP living where you do. Vegas is and was my downfall for my major relapses. I love Vegas so much … yet the 3 times I’ve been ive relapsed worse than the previous time and I continue my binge when I get back to my city chasing my losses from Vegas.. each chase being worse than the previous. I love Vegas so much yet I know I can never return.. well.. never say never right. I’d love to be able to go to my fav pool parties one day and not gamble while I’m there, I pray one day I’m able to. I can tell in your words that you are determined to stop this time.. you sound like you are on the right path and I’m very proud of your near one month gamble free mark. 21 days to break a habit right ? You got this amber.. never look back.. remember all the pain gambling has caused and remember how amazing you feel without gambling.. and watch the financials grow and the mental health get better day by day, enjoying what’s important in life, family, friends, and memories! Gamble free memories! Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy New Years. Take care my friend. Much love all the way from Canada.