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Thanks FG and Vera for your posts. I don’t know where I would be without your support. My Husband is always near. I can feel his presence. Even though I experience sadness, there is so much happiness and joy in my life. I am very lucky in many ways. I bought a roast and vegetables to make for Christmas eve day. My Mom called today and wanted me to pick her up some lunch. She is not happy with me and made it clear. There is a promotion for 2 days at the casino here. They are giving away money and a car. We know it is not a give away as it is a 6 hour process each day. This will involve putting a lot of money into the machines. I told her that I definitely wasn’t going. So she called my cousin and she may come up. She either doesn’t understand my addiction or she doesn’t care. She is definitely a CG, but in total denial. I am concerned where she is getting the money to gamble. I can’t try to talk to her about it as she would explode with anger. I feel that she really disrespect me and tried to demean me. It doesn’t matter as I will do what is right for me. She used guilt, anger, shame and pity to try to get me to change my mind. She has become very self centered and selfish. I hope she behaves at Christmas as I want to spend quality time with my Daughter and Grandson. Remember: The only person we can change is ourselves. I am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! May 2016 be a gamble free year!