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  • Muallif
    • #9610

      If I understand rightly, the 31st May marks the end of our UK members being able to access this site.
      There are some wonderful members here who I will miss dearly. 
      When I first found GT, there were many many members from the UK that supported me, that encouraged me, listened to my woes and were always on my side, making me feel better, making me laugh and crying with me when I was devastated…..
      To all the wonderful UK members here, thank you, for walking the road with me, holding my hand, picking me up when I needed it and giving me a good talking to when I needed that too!!!
      You changed my life.
      You helped mould me into the person I am today.
      I will never ever forget.
      Till we meet again,
      K xxxxxxxxxxxTo live, that would be a great adventure – Peter Pan

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