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Hi Donna,
I am a Compulsive Gamber myself and haven’t had a bet in a while. I facilitate some of the groups here.

If you click on Support Groups, at the top of the page it’ll take you to the group, schedule. You will see that Velvet has her FnF groups at 10pm on a Tuesday and 6pm on a Thurday. (Those are UK times)

If you wanted to speak to someone before that you are also
welcome in the Drop in groups, one is open now and for the next 20 minutes or so, or you can connect to the one to one helpline when it is open, mainly UK office hours.

You are right not to take his promises and willpower seriously – if that worked then we wouldn’t have a problem. However if „this is it this time “ then he will have no objection if you suggest installing a blocker on the home PC will he? Gamblock is one though there are others It’ll stop him gambling online and will shut down the PC any time he tries to visit a gambling site. If nothing else whether or not he agrees to this might give you an indication of how serious he is about trying to stop.

I hope this helps and hopefully I will see you in a group soon.