17 October 2022 at 3:46 am
Dark: congrats on getting back on track!
Are your withdrawal symptoms still
Staying away?(hope so!)
What might you do to NOT act on these symptoms IF they return?
I am having a dickens of a time with these withdrawal symptoms…
I get tired of hearing the voices in my head
Always saying “it’s ok- you’ll only bet $4 or so dollars “
If I listen and obey those withdrawal symptoms, I always end up spending way more than I have intended to spend? Which tells me that is a symptom of the fact I cannot control my gambling 😞
GLAD you have some sobriety behind you and
Are able to not have withdrawal symptoms!
I hope to have a small goal of even 1 week
Of a gamble-free lifestyle…
I know it’s one day at a time….
But a small goal should be attainable…