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Thank you very much RG. I had an awesome long weekend, spent with my wife’ sister and her family. Although i was hesitant to visit, I am glad i went because not only did we have a good time, I feel me and my wife are closer than before our visit. So it was good. This morning I found a new email from my boss..he was assigning a huge task..and i felt he was up to his old tricks again…i was so disappointed and felt sudden stress because we were doing so well. I held my response to avoid sying something nasty..and i prayed that i have the strength and energy to accept and look fwd to this new assignment on top of everything else. So later on he started a conversation which i did not entertain..i think he realised that and he started talking very professionally about this new task..i was happy about it because we have made so much progress and i have realised he want this relationship to work as much as i do…so we ended the day well. I have had some low momements..but day by day they became few and far apart. So one day at a time, I am becoming stronger and stronger and my positive outlook and attitude is making every day a little better than the day before. One day at a time.