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Hi Kat,  Congrat’s on your gamble free time.  Doesn’t it feel great to have money and time in your pocket?
Thanks for your thoughtful post and your prayers.  We are having a tough time right now and it is affecting all of us.  I  did go to the dr’s and I have issues too that need to be taken care of.   Stress is the major problem in my life.  When family life is not right, it seems nothing is.  I’m tired and upset with recent  things that have happened with my granddaughter and hoping that things straighten themselves soon.  I am not gambling and that would only make things  worse.  I would like nothing better to escape but know that’s not the answer.  I’m staying strong.
I’m so glad you are enjoying your gamble free time with your family and friends.  You sound so happy and deserve every minute of happiness.  Your so supportive of others and are always there for the newcomers and us oldies but goodies.   It’s really appreciated Kathryn.  Danielle