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Hello my beautiful friend
just wrote you a wonderful post that must be floating out there somewhere in cyberspace….coz i lost it!!!! Grrrrr!
I am on a temporary laptop, with a dodgy modem (blame the dongle haha)!!!! so, suffice it to say………………
LOve ya, miss ya, proud of ya (proud of ME too….sydney harbour bridge was my wee personal ‘everest’ – "go" sir edmund hilary!) I waved my arms in the air for ALL of us!!!! (no i didnt get stuck on plane, but the beautifulhostess came back to me with a half full bottle of bubbles and said…noone else is drinking this!!!….will i leave it with YOU????!!!! hahha. of course i wanted to be helpful… i said…… um…..Hell yeah!)
Havent caught up with the old tart yet (aka "V") haha…but she will track me down for sure. Was thinking of you both up there (and a few special others too!).
Hoping to get some reliable technology happening soon!
Much much love and light!!!!!!!!
Meg xxxxxxxxx"We are each of us angels with only one wing…  we can only fly by embracing each other"