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    • #7968

      i’ve looked everywhere for help and i’m hoping someone here will be able to give me some advice.

      i know i have an addiction to virtual racing its the stupidest thing ever, i know i will always lose but that still doesn’t stop me.

      i can go days and weeks without betting but somehow it takes a wrong turn and im down that slippery slop again. i’ve limited my accounts to stop the damaged but thats the only bright side. i’m just hoping there is someone out there that can help me.


    • #7969

      Hi Aje and welcome to the forum. You can get a lot of support here but i recommend reposting in the My Journal Forum – it is a more used forum. If you read the other stories there you will also see the sort of things that have helped others stop gambling.

      Do you mean you have limited your gambling accounts? If so then I would say you need to go a step further and cancel them altogether, ask them to ban you at the same time. Whilst it is the virtual racing that is currently causing a problem it is a gambling addiction. The advice would be to try and avoid all gambling, one day at a time.

      Keep posting but again please do so in the My Journal Forum where you will get more support.

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