Today is day #9 – I got my salary and paid back all the money I budgeted for, for this month. I am keeping my mind busy with work, and I challenged myself to learn a programming language (python) I have been busy with for 6 days and it feels like it doing the job to keep my mind distracted. I have made peace with the money I have lost, and acknowledged that I will take the long walk to freedom, and pay off my debt one month at a time, I made myself sheets and tracking my progress. Every day I am one step closer to my goal, and I simply don’t want to start from day zero again, it just simply isn’t worth it. A lot of people on this platform is a big inspiration to me, and I want to thank all of you for your stories and guidance that you share. I am doing this for me. I feel great as I don’t have to watch the “charts” all day, and I find time to things that I wanted to do 2 years ago. It is a great feeling and everyday, I am great full that I have a second chance to turn my wrongs into rights.