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“The hardest part is waking up everyday, knowing how much I’ve lost”.
I can relate to that, as can most compulsive gamblers who will read your words and say in chorus with you “If only…I wish/ I forgot /I promised/I should have/could have” and we will re echo all the the laments that will , sadly and sickly fade as the brain gradually (or even sometimes quickly) obliterates all the loss and grief and torture we have put ourselves through , whilst believing the illusion that swamps our addicted minds that GAMBLING IS FUN!
Believe me, it will be no fun, when you are 30 years older (my age) and you are still waking up, saying…”the hardest part is waking up every day knowing that the money was nothing compared to the LIFE I lost”.
Stay focused and forget the last bet.
the next one is the bet you need to postpone, one day at a time.
Welcome to the Forum.
I wish you a gamble free life.
God bless!