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    • #2749

      I just wanted to drop by and let everyone know that after much soul searching I have decided to leave the forum completely. I want to thank everyone who has supported me in my time here and to say how much it has helped me not only get through difficult times but to grow as a person. My son is now doing well and is a happy confident young boy now, looking forward to his 4th Birthday party on Saturday. His Dad remains a CG in denial but thanks to everyone here I can deal with that in a more positive way. I did not get a place at college as it was horribly over subscribed this year but they will look on me favorably for next year. My step daughter is a brilliant mum and the little one is thriving. I remain strong and happily single. I can not put into words how much this site has helped me and how grateful I am to the many friends I have made here. I would recommend it to anyone who has someone close who is a CG, it is a place for you and whatever the outcome of your relationship it will help you to be able to deal with it. I wish I felt able to continue my support on here  but due to the situation with my ex I think a clean break is required.  My life continues to blossom more every day, Love to all you wonderful people and thanks, Jess xxxChange starts when someone sees the next step

    • #2750
      looby loo

      Hi Dear Jess
      I wish you well for your continued recovery. Always remember this is about YOU and what is right for you. I am sad you will not be beside me on the chaise any longer, but will think about you often. I am glad to hear your son is doing well, wish him a very happy birthday for Saturday. Glad to hear your step daughter is doing fine and her new child is thriving, after just becoming a Nanna last week myself, I know how important it is for you to witness progress for them both.
      I wish your au revoir, Jess, may life bring you happiness and success. I am sure college will have that place for you on the next intake. This forum has fulfilled its purpose for you and you now feel the time is right to move on. As you say, whatever the outcomes, you have been part of a circle of friends who understand you and you have also been able to give such wonderful support to others too.
      Take care dear friend, its been a pleasure to ’meet’ you.
      Much love
      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWe must look forward and must never look back, we cannot change what has already happened. The future is brighter.Looby Loo

    • #2751

      Dearest Jess
      You have supported me and so many others on this forum and I will miss you very, very much. Suffice it to say your seat in the group room will always be there and there will always be a warm welcome for you.
      You have taught me many things and I have benefited from the experience of knowing you.
      I understand your reason for leaving the forum and I am sorry that it is so. If ever you need any help that this site can give you then the helpline is always there one-to- one, private and confidential and I will keep hoping that one day the door of the group will open and you will be there which, as you know, offers the same privacy. 
      I wish you so much happiness in your life – you deserve it. You have risen above adversity and shone – you are amazing.
      Thank you for saying goodbye. I am so sorry it is so but you have kept your counsel well and I admire you for it.
      With loads of love and thanks as ever
      V ************************************

    • #2752

      Dear Jess,
      I will miss you and I will always remember how you reached out to me in my posts. It really meant the world to know that someone cared to write me back and your support was greatly appreciated and helped me tremendously. But i do understand your position of moving on and being happily single because I feel the same way as you with my father, though in a different way. I know this site has been my saving grace and helped me to be able to break away from the chains of my father’s gambling. I’m glad to hear your son is doing well and I’m sure everyone will have a wonderful time at his 4th birthday. My youngest will be turning 4 soon, so I know what you mean when you said young boy. I wish you the best in everything you do and I will always remember you.
      Take care,

    • #2753

      I wish you well Jess, i hope your life is everything you want it to be.  Thanks for being here, your journey has not only been insightful for those on the f&f, but i have learnt a lot too. 
      Take care, Kathryn ***
      To live, that would be a great adventure – Peter Pan– 29/07/2010 12:47:37 PM: post edited by kathryn.

    • #2754

      All the best Jess – thank you for your supportive posts, I’ll always remember how good it felt when someone answered me – it really feels great to be supported & we are not alone when we come onto GT, so farewell to this part of your journey & all the best for the future ahead.
      Hugs XXXThere’s always light at the end of the tunnel even if sometimes you have to try really hard to see it!

    • #2755
      secret sparrow

      Dear Jess,
      Look how much you are missed already!Goodness ,what a really special place this is isn’t it?
      But Jess ,for you it is time to move on,and for that I wish you well.
      I am sure that ,for the rest of your life,you will have the occassional flash back,quote,etc,that those wise girls on here have sent to you during your ***** of need.
      For me,at the moment,I know I couldn’t have got this far without Velvet,her replies to me and others have made all the difference to me.
      But there comes a time to move on and this is yours.
      Good luck my friend.
      Take care.
      Sparrow xI MUST DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO!

    • #2756

      Hi Jess
      I always find it sad when people leave; you’ve been an integral and valued part of our community. You’ve made the decision to move on with your life in the knowledge that you’re in control of your future.
      Your support and dedication even when you’ve been under duress has shown a great sense of character, self belief and gumption, I applaud you for the way you’ve moved on with your head help high. 
      Your be missed Jess, you deserve all the happiness you will find
      Take Care
      "Occasionally it’s wise to doubt our doubts, to question our questions, and to re-think our thoughts."

    • #2757

      Hi Jess,
      It was great seeing you on F&F chat last week! I really enjoyed chatting with you and the group. Just wanted to say ***** again. Have a great weekend!

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