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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #7391

      A compulsive gambler tends to put a lot of effort into their gambling, I certainly did.
      We need to plan our bets, place our bets often involving time and travel, we watch them win or lose. We need to do work to fund those bets, maybe work extra hours to try and cover the losses. When work doesn’t cover it we beg, borrow or steal so that we can.  We need to find the time to gamble, we need to lie about our gambling or where we have been. We need to come up with BS justifications for our gambling. We need to remember the lies we have told and I could go on.
      All of these things take a lot of effort, both physical and emotional.
      Why then are we often not prepared to put the same effort into recovery?
      There are a lot of forms of support out there. All of them are more likely to work if we put effort in. 
      My own recovery is centred around Gamblers Anonymous. GA works best for those prepared to get to meetings, maybe travel to meetings. Those who read the books, put the barriers in place, work the steps, even just turn up early to put the chairs out tend to be more successful that those who just turn up.
      Sites like this one work the best for those who use it properly. Posting in and reading the forums, writing on their own threads and being honest, connecting to groups. If they read of something that is working for others they will apply it to their own situation.
      Counselling can help, both for gambling and any other issues someone may have. Counselling works best for those who are honest, both with their counsellor and themselves. For those who are prepared to be open and address things.
      Gordon House or other residential treatment will give people many tools to help them deal with their lives without gambling, those tools are only any good if people use them.
      Where we need to put effort into stopping gambling we must then put effort into maintaining our recovery. Keep getting to meetings, keep posting, use any “after care” that the counselling or residential treatment provides.
      Stopping gambling isn’t easy but if we are prepared to put the same effort into our recovery as we did into our gambling then we have more chance of success.

    • #7392

      That is so true, Charles.  I had put in quite an effort and still had slips.  Then I realized I had to put in even more effort.  I had to go beyond putting the barriers in place, or reading or counselling.  I had to understand who I was, why I resorted to gambling, how I could stay stopped, what worked for me, why some things worked for others and not for me.  It is a work in progress and I still have a long way to go and much to learn.  I learn from people on the GT forums everyday.  Invaluable information and tips that could lead me to a happier, healthier life if I choose to listen and learn.  Living a gamble free life takes a Herculean effort … sometimes I resent having to work so hard, but most time I feel it’s worth the hard work.  RG

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